- (1390588114) TAP Employers Liability Certificate.pdf
- (862530352) TAP PL Letter.pdf
- 1, January 2016.pdf
- 1, January 2018.pdf
- 1, January II.pdf
- 1, January, 2021.pdf
- 1, January.pdf
- 1, Job Description.docx
- 1, Spring, 2016.pdf
- 1, Spring, 2017.pdf
- 1, Spring, 2018.pdf
- 1, Spring, 2019.pdf
- 1, Spring, 2024.pdf
- 1, Summer, 2021.pdf
- 10 October 2024.pdf
- 10, October 2015.pdf
- 10, October 2016.pdf
- 10, October 2017.pdf
- 10, October 2018.pdf
- 10, October.pdf
- 10October.pdf
- 11 November 2024.pdf
- 11, November 2015.pdf
- 11, November 2016.pdf
- 11, November 2017.pdf
- 11, November 2018.pdf
- 11, November.docx
- 11, November.pdf
- 11November2019.pdf
- 12 December 2024.pdf
- 12, December 2015.pdf
- 12, December 2016.pdf
- 12, December 2017.pdf
- 12, December 2018.pdf
- 12, December.pdf
- 12December.pdf
- 15 January 2025.pdf
- 1January2020.pdf
- 1SignedAGAR3.pdf
- 1^J Pilling PC Financial Regs 2024.docx
- 2, Conclusion notice 2020.pdf
- 2, External Auditors Report.pdf
- 2, February 2016.pdf
- 2, February 2018.pdf
- 2, February.pdf
- 2, Summer, 2016.pdf
- 2, Summer, 2017.pdf
- 2, Summer, 2018.pdf
- 2, Summer, 2019.pdf
- 2023-24 Notice of Closure.pdf
- 2February2020.pdf
- 2^J Job Description.pdf
- 3, Autum, 2016.pdf
- 3, Autumn, 2017.pdf
- 3, Autumn, 2018.pdf
- 3, March 2016.pdf
- 3, March 2018.pdf
- 3, March, 2021.pdf
- 3, March.pdf
- 3March.pdf
- 3^J About Pilling PC.pdf
- 3^J March.pdf
- 4, April 2016.pdf
- 4, April 2018.pdf
- 4, April.docx
- 4, April.pdf
- 4April.pdf
- 4^J Person Spec^.pdf
- 5, May 2016.pdf
- 5, May 2018.pdf
- 5, May.pdf
- 5May.pdf
- 5^J Application Process.pdf
- 6, June 2016.pdf
- 6, June 2018.pdf
- 6, June 2024.pdf
- 6, June.pdf
- 6June.pdf
- 6^J Application form.pdf
- 7, July 2015.pdf
- 7, July 2016.pdf
- 7, July 2017.pdf
- 7, July 2018.pdf
- 7, July 2023.pdf
- 7, July 2024.pdf
- 7, July.pdf
- 8 August.pdf
- 8 PPC Publication Scheme 2024.docx
- 8 Public Attendance Policy 2024.docx
- 8 Recording at Council Meetings 2024.docx
- 8, August 2016.pdf
- 8, August 2017.pdf
- 8, August 2018.pdf
- 8, August.pdf
- 8August2019.pdf
- 8^J August.pdf
- 9 september.pdf
- 9, September 2015.pdf
- 9, September 2016.pdf
- 9, September 2017.pdf
- 9, September 2018.docx
- 9, September.pdf
- 9September2019.pdf
- AGAR 2023.pdf
- AGAR External audit.pdf
- AGAR for web site.pdf
- APM Agenda 2024 Facebook.pdf
- APM Agenda, notice board 2021.pdf
- APM Agenda, notice board 2022.pdf
- APM, 2014.pdf
- APM, 2016.pdf
- APM, 2017.pdf
- APM, 2018.pdf
- APM, 2019.pdf
- APM, 2020.pdf
- APM, 2022.pdf
- APM, 2023.pdf
- Accounting Statement.jpg
- Additional Audit Requirements.pdf
- Agenda April.pdf
- Agenda August.pdf
- Agenda December.pdf
- Agenda February.pdf
- Agenda January II.pdf
- Agenda January.pdf
- Agenda July.pdf
- Agenda June.pdf
- Agenda March.pdf
- Agenda May.pdf
- Agenda November.pdf
- Agenda October.pdf
- Agenda September .pdf
- Agenda September, 2020.pdf
- Agenda September.pdf
- Agenda june 2024.pdf
- Agenda noticeboard, June.pdf
- Agenda, April.pdf
- Agenda, August 2021.pdf
- Agenda, August.pdf
- Agenda, December, 2020.pdf
- Agenda, February, 2021.pdf
- Agenda, February.pdf
- Agenda, January.pdf
- Agenda, July.pdf
- Agenda, June.pdf
- Agenda, March, 2021.pdf
- Agenda, March.pdf
- Agenda, May 2023.pdf
- Agenda, November.pdf
- Agenda, October.pdf
- Agenda, September II.pdf
- Agenda, notice board August.pdf
- Agenda, notice board December.pdf
- Agenda, notice board February.pdf
- Agenda, notice board Jan.pdf
- Agenda, notice board July.pdf
- Agenda, notice board March.pdf
- Agenda, notice board May.pdf
- Agenda, notice board Nov.pdf
- Agenda, notice board Oct.pdf
- Agenda, notice board October.pdf
- Agenda, notice board Sept.pdf
- Agenda, notice board, August.pdf
- Agenda, notice board, Nov.pdf
- Agenda, notice board, Oct, 2020.pdf
- Agenda, notice board.pdf
- Annual Meeting 2015.pdf
- AnnualReturnForm3PC_2023-24_e.pdf
- April 2014.pdf
- April 2015.pdf
- Archaeology Reply.pdf
- Asset Register 2018 - 2019 Audit.pdf
- Asset Register 2019 - 2020, Audit.pdf
- AssetRegister2020-2021Audit.pdf
- Audit Conclusion.jpg
- Audit, Internal Audit, 2016.jpg
- Audit, Section 1, 2016.jpg
- Audit, Section 2, 2016.jpg
- August 2014.pdf
- August 2015.pdf
- Autumn 2014.pdf
- Autumn 2015 newsletter 2.pdf
- Autumn 2022.pdf
- Autumn 2023.pdf
- Autumn2019.pdf
- Brief History of Memorial Hall.pdf
- CPC Co-option of councillor.pdf
- Certificate.pdf
- Civility Respect_model councillor officer protocol _ final edit 24.10.22 (002)[91].pdf
- Code of Conduct, 2021.pdf
- Conclusion Notice.jpg
- Conclusion of Audit, 2018.jpg
- Conclusion of Audit.jpg
- Conclusion of audit, Aug 2021.pdf
- Consumer Alerts - September 2022.pdf
- Councillorreps2019.pdf
- December 2014.pdf
- Defib page.pdf
- Document Retention and Disposal Policy PPC 2024.pdf
- EA Landowners responsibiliy.pdf
- Ecology comments_June 2022.pdf
- Electors Rights.jpg
- Employers Liability, 2018.jpg
- Environment Agency Reply.pdf
- Exercise-of-public-rights-2023-24.pdf
- External Audit Report.jpg
- External Audit.jpg
- FOI Publication Scheme 2009.pdf
- FOI Publication Scheme 2020.pdf
- February 2014.pdf
- February 2015.pdf
- February 2025.pdf
- Governance Statement.jpg
- Hambleton PC Reply.pdf
- Insurance Certificate.jpg
- Internal Audit.jpg
- January 2014.pdf
- January 2015.pdf
- January 2025.pdf
- July 2014.pdf
- June 2014.pdf
- June 2015.pdf
- LA0167 S3-1.pdf
- LA0167 S3.pdf
- LA0167S3.pdf
- LCC Flood Authority Reply.pdf
- LCC Highways Reply.pdf
- Living on the Edge - The EA.pdf
- March 2015.pdf
- May 2014.pdf
- May 2015.pdf
- Memorial Hall.pdf
- Natural England Reply.pdf
- November 2014.pdf
- October 2014.pdf
- PPC AGAR Part 3 signed.pdf
- PPC Accessibility Statement.pdf
- PPC Annual Governance Statement Policy, 2021.pdf
- PPC Annual Governance Statement Policy, 2022.pdf
- PPC Annual Governance Statement Policy, 2023.pdf
- PPC Code of Conduct, 2022.pdf
- PPC Donations Policy, 2021.pdf
- PPC External Audit 2015.pdf
- PPC Financial Regs 2021.pdf
- PPC Financial Regulations 2022.pdf
- PPC Financial Regulations 2023.pdf
- PPC Goverance 2015.pdf
- PPC Internal Audit 2015.pdf
- PPC Investment Policy 2021.pdf
- PPC Investment Policy 2023.pdf
- PPC Publication Scheme 2021.pdf
- PPC RFO duties and responsibilities 2021.pdf
- PPC Risk Management Policy 2021.pdf
- PPC Risk Management Policy 2022.pdf
- PPC Risk Register, 2021.pdf
- PPC Year End 2015.pdf
- PPC bank_reconciliation_2018-19.pdf
- PPCbankreconciliation2019-20.pdf
- PPCexplanation-of-variances-2018-19.pdf
- PPCexplanationofvariances2019-20.pdf
- Pilling Internal audit 2024.pdf
- Pilling Internal audit JPAG 2024.docx
- Pilling Internal audit JPAG 2024.pdf
- Pilling PC Quarry Reply.pdf
- Pilling in Bloom 2022 Portfolio.pdf
- Pilling in Bloom Portfolio 2017.pdf
- Planning Notice Feb.pdf
- Planning October.pdf
- Preesall TC Reply.pdf
- Preesall TC supporting info.pdf
- Privacy Policy Notice - Website.pdf
- Public Attendance Policy.pdf
- Public Right to Inspect Dates.pdf
- Public Rights Notice, 2021.pdf
- Public Rights Notice, 2022.pdf
- Public Rights, 2021.pdf
- Public Rights, 2024.pdf
- Public Rights, PPC.pdf
- PublicNoticeofConclusion.pdf
- PublicRights2020.pdf
- PublicRightsNotice2020.pdf
- RFO 2020.pdf
- RFO Duties and Responsibilties 2022.pdf
- RFO Duties and Responsibilties 2023.pdf
- Retention of Documents Table- Appendix A List of Documents for Retention or Disposal PPC 2024.pdf
- Risk Assessment 2024 - 2025.pdf
- Risk Management Plan 2024 - 2025.pdf
- Risk Management Register for Pilling 2023.doc
- Risk Management Register for Pilling 2024.pdf
- Risk Register 2022.pdf
- Risk Register Graph 2023.docx
- Risk Register Graph 2024.pdf
- Section 3 2024 Audit.pdf
- September 2014.pdf
- Signed AGAR 2021.22.pdf
- Signed Accounting.pdf
- Signed Accounts, 2018.jpg
- Signed Governance, 2018.jpg
- Signed Internal Audit, 2018.jpg
- Signed Internal.pdf
- SignedAccounting.pdf
- SignedGovernance.pdf
- Spring 2014.pdf
- Spring 2023.pdf
- Standing Orders 2024.pdf
- Standing Orders for Parish Meetings, 2021.pdf
- Standing Orders for Parish Meetings, 2022.pdf
- Standing Orders for Parish Meetings, 2023.pdf
- Standing Orders, 2021.pdf
- Standing Orders, 2022.pdf
- Standing Orders, 2023.pdf
- Summer 2014.pdf
- TAPEmployersLiabilityCertificate.pdf
- The Management of Transferable Data Policy 2024.pdf
- To whom.pdf
- United Utilities Reply.pdf
- WC Code of Conduct 2022.pdf
- Winter 2014.pdf
- YearEnd2019.pdf
- Your Rights ACCOUNTS-1.pdf
- Your Rights ACCOUNTS.pdf
- bank_reconciliation_2017-18_0.pdf
- img113.jpg